1 hour classroom presentation exploring the parts of an egg and the sequence of eggs from farm to store.
Addresses the following State Standards:
Science- K.L1U1.6
Science- K.L1U1.7
Science- K.L2U1.8
Classroom visit prior to field trip
prepares students for Ag Venture!
On-site field trip at CAC:
This day starts with alfalfa and ends with ice cream. Students will learn about the anatomy of a cow. They will learn how cattle can turn alfalfa, which is inedible to humans, into milk which is an essential part of
Classroom visit prior to field trip
prepares students for Ag Venture!
On-site field trip at CAC:
This day starts with alfalfa and ends with ice cream. Students will learn about the anatomy of a cow. They will learn how cattle can turn alfalfa, which is inedible to humans, into milk which is an essential part of our diets.
Addresses the following State Standards
Science– 1.L1U1.6
Social Studies– 1.E3.1
Health Ed- Strand 7/ Concept 2/PO 1
Classroom visit prior to field trip
prepares students for Ag Venture!
On-site field trip at CAC:
Fruits and vegetables are a very
important part of our diet. Students will learn about healthy nutrition, growing techniques, seed germination, and have the chance to harvest vegetables (depending on harvest conditions.)
Classroom visit prior to field trip
prepares students for Ag Venture!
On-site field trip at CAC:
Fruits and vegetables are a very
important part of our diet. Students will learn about healthy nutrition, growing techniques, seed germination, and have the chance to harvest vegetables (depending on harvest conditions.)
Addresses the following State Standards
Science– 2.L2U1.9
Science– 2.E1U3.7
Health Ed- Strand 7/Concept 2/PO 1
Classroom visit prior to field trip
prepares students for Ag Venture!
On-site field trip at CAC:
For thousands of years, corn has been a major staple in our diets. We have grown, ground and gobbled it down! Students will be participants in a variety of educational activities ranging from harvesting and grindin
Classroom visit prior to field trip
prepares students for Ag Venture!
On-site field trip at CAC:
For thousands of years, corn has been a major staple in our diets. We have grown, ground and gobbled it down! Students will be participants in a variety of educational activities ranging from harvesting and grinding to tasting corn products.
Addresses the following State Standards
Science- 3.L1U1.5
Science- 3.L2U1.8
Social Studies- 3.G4.1
Classroom visit prior to field trip
prepares students for Ag Venture!
On-site field trip at CAC:
The history of Arizona is interesting and colorful. This program is to introduce students to the five symbols found in the Great Seal of the State of Arizona: Copper, Cattle, Citrus, Cotton and Climate.
Addresses the follow
Classroom visit prior to field trip
prepares students for Ag Venture!
On-site field trip at CAC:
The history of Arizona is interesting and colorful. This program is to introduce students to the five symbols found in the Great Seal of the State of Arizona: Copper, Cattle, Citrus, Cotton and Climate.
Addresses the following State Standards
Social Studies– 4.E3.1
Science– 4.P4U1.1
Science– 4.P4U3.4
Classroom visit prior to field trip
prepares students for Ag Venture!
On-site field trip at CAC:
Classroom visit prior to field trip
prepares students for Ag Venture!
On-site field trip at CAC:
This field trip builds on information from 4th grade Project Wet. Water conservation is the highlight as students learn about hydroelectricity, the history of water in AZ, in depth water cycle movement and water careers.
Addresses the following State Standards
Science– 5.P1U1.1
Science– 5.P3U2.5
Social Studies– 5.G2.1
Part 1
Join us in the corn field with Dr. Cornelius Cobb.
Did you know corn has ears??
Part 2
Corn has such an interesting history! Tune in to learn all about corn's COLORFUL history and how corn is planted, harvested and processed.
Part 3
Corn is so yummy! Join us as we mix up a corn recipe!
Part 4
You eat corn, use corn, but did you know you can make palastic from corn?